Blog Post

The Mothership

“Our life together is so special together -we have grown.” John Lennon

In my journey with motherhood, I have corralled, connected & collided over and over with myself. Thinking entirely, from what my children need to what actually makes them happy. To stay in the middle and to love them AS THEY ARE. That is the sacred work of mothering: to let go over and over.

To Ally & Johnny, 

Being your mom is my greatest role.

You are my teachers. I am your student. Because of you, I have navigated two highways of learning within different communities. I have been able to parent in two ways, both of which are very special. Luckily, you have always placed me in front of the beautifully challenging situations, in which I continue to learn so much.

Just like Mother Nature follows her own schedule (knowing the spring rains give way to blooms all summer), a mother must learn to trust, to let her children be free, and let her children make their own decisions. Although, the teaching is never quite finished when you’re a mother. 


I have to use hope, adaptivity, and intuitively guide myself through a variety of situations. As I reflect on raising two children that are completely different in many ways, their similarities outshine any obstacles. Their kindness & compassion are extreme. Though many may not know them personally, they share deep common pillars of character that I am proud to have instilled in them as they go out into the world. 

They truly Shine!

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